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 Tipps & Tricks für Einsteiger
Rc-ett87-swe Offline

Beiträge: 57

10.10.2011 14:17
Tips regarding my next truck. Antworten


I´m not new to this I have made one already and I´m now going to start on my next. Before that I would like some tips and advice regarding what I shall buy.
My goal of the truck is to have a fully functional "LKW" with light, blinker, warning light. The way I thinking of making the light is via fiber optics and SMD 603. The warning light is a question I have about. In a thred here I got one tipp about how to do a light ramp with a Herpa part and 603 smd. If I want a standard single blinking light is there a LED that I can buy. I have seen on the hobbyshows I have visit in Germany that there is possible to buy a standard 1-3 mm LED that is blinking. Or is it just a standard LED, and the blinking is generated via a separate card like the HLBT card.
Then questions regarding the smd 603 led. I have search for a list of what resistor I need to put before my 603. The power source I will use is a LiPo 3,7V cell 270 mAh or 4,8-6V NiMh / Energizer Ultimate Lithium AAA battery. The Energizer battery has a nominal power of 1,5V / cell and is lighter than a standard NiMh.
Can someone give a list of the size of resistors that I need. I´m not asking to have the exact values just a hint on what I shall use. The easiest way is to know what type of resistors I can buy from Conrad if I do a search at Conrad on smd 603 I got allot of hits. But I don´t know where to start in these 315 articles that I found. On Sol-Expert there is a Resistorset, size 0603 and 10 pcs 33 Ohm, 10 pcs 68 Ohm, 10 pcs 100 Ohm, 10 pcs 150 Ohm, 10 pcs 180 Ohm. Is this the best way to just buy this set.

I have put together a list of prats that I need and have.

From Mikroantribe:

G96M660P 96:1 transmission
ER300 speedcontroler
HLBT Light and blinker

This is the "base" in the truck. Do any have a better choice of components for the base, and where to find. Is Mikroantribe the choice or is it Sol-Expert. I prefer shops that I can use Pay-Pal.

The 603 SMD have I bought from Conrad

White 156296
Red 156299
Yellow-GN 156297
Yellow 156298
Orange 153377

And for last I there any in here that will be attending the Hobbyshow in Bremen 18-20/11. I will be there as a visitor on the Saturday.

Some info about the truck I´m building. It is in Swedish but you can see the pictures. On the second link there is some things that just are for compere for the size. The radio is a Multiplex Cockpit SX M-Link 2,4 Ghz with the reciver RX-6 light and the servo will be a Conrad #231647 Modelcraft ES-07.

My first Scania 142H:

My next Scania a AWM Bring and in the end you can see the original:


Niklas, Sweden

Lenni Offline

Beiträge: 187

10.10.2011 15:51
#2 RE: Tips regarding my next truck. Antworten

I don't know if there are 0603 LEDs that are blinking themselves, usually that is done with
a controller like HLBT or something else, depends on whatever you want to use.

It's always good to have a set of various resistors and to try then,
for really bright white LEDs on a LiPo you can use maybe 50 - 150 Ohm,
for not so bright side marker lights I use up to 1500 Ohm.
It really depends on what you want, really bright light, or a longer battery lifetime.

Rc-ett87-swe Offline

Beiträge: 57

11.10.2011 11:53
#3 RE: Tips regarding my next truck. Antworten

Thank you for the answer, now I know where to start with resistors. And it´s not the 603 that is blinking, it was a way to do a light ramp with it. If I understand right is that the "blinking circuit" is built in on HLBT then I don´t need an other circuit for the blinking.



Lenni Offline

Beiträge: 187

11.10.2011 17:00
#4 RE: Tips regarding my next truck. Antworten

Right, just connect the LEDs directly to the HLBT (with resistor of course),
no other circuit needed for the blinking.

Rc-ett87-swe Offline

Beiträge: 57

13.10.2011 12:07
#5 RE: Tips regarding my next truck. Antworten


Do any in here have a advice on the transmission. Is the G96M660P 96:1 transmission a good choice and the ER300 speedcontroler. In my first car I have SOL-Expert transmission M705 or it is G90M and the ER600L speedcontroler. Now for this truck I´m going to buy from Mikroantribe. Is there a motor and transmission that is to prefer and speedcontroler.




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