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PiotrZ Offline

Beiträge: 2

25.11.2016 22:06
Hello from Northern Ireland Antworten

Hi my name is Peter Zientek I'm 36 years old und ich komme aus Netownabbey about 7km from Belfast.
I can read Deutsch aber nich ser gut mit schriben .
Starting my first project after I get all the parts and the LKW.
Different scale here so need to get most of the parts imported.
As a fan from Mercedes the only option for me is the Actros MP4, i was looking for a special edition for 125 year but no luck
will get a standard Gigaspace in silver colour. Its actually on its way from Germany.
Its quite a challenge for me specially with the 0402 leds.

This forum is really great with all the info.

Best regards

nachtdieb Offline

Beiträge: 1.283

26.11.2016 00:34
#2 RE: Hello from Northern Ireland Antworten

Hi Peter,

welcome to our Forum. The MP4 is a nice truck, i have it also on my list.

Best regards

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