Hallo zusammen, die IG-Mikromodell ist natürlich auch mit einem Stand vertreten... und zwar in Halle 5. Weitere Infos und die Hallenpläne gibt´s hier http://www.bv-messen.de/ Gastfahrer sind wie immer herzlich willkommen.
Hi Niklas, here http://www.kais-garage.de/index.php?page...=1&i=1729277246 you find the measures and details of our modules. This is the "rc87-Norm" from Martin and me (City, doublemodule with autocinema and Bridge, Cookiefactory). The Mainstreet is 80mm wide and 20mm from the front edge (perhaps you can see it on the third picture).
Now I know which one it is. Thank you. Thinking of building one to have when I´m showing my upcoming cars on. One simple, like a truckstop with a diner.
Hey Niklas, a Truckstop with Diner is a perfect module, so you have enough space to park a lot of trucks (it´s the problem of our modules). One of my next modules is a big parking area to solve this problem.