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Dieses Thema hat 2 Antworten
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Ontiryggen Offline

Beiträge: 42

23.04.2014 00:02
Liebherr 974 Hochlöffel Antworten

Liebherr 974 Hochlöffel

The chassis is all new and made from U- and L-profiles 1 mm brass. The motors are 10x12 mm with metal 1:300 gears. The wheels and tracks are made from rubber timing belts and pulleys. I made the wheels somewhat bigger than original (13 vs 11 mm) to get better ground clearance, but I think it looks ok.

The upper part of the excavator is the original plastics. Fours motors are used for excavation: three planetary 1:700 (from microprecitiondrives) inside the arm and one Hobbyking servo behind the shovel, for opening. Three fishing lines, one spring and one rubber band is used get everything moving.

For turning, there is a 1:136 planetary motor with a 1:15 worm gear, and two biggger 0,5 module gear. The turning is a bit slow and not as smooth as I want, so maybe I will change this later.

Since most of the motors are inside the arm, there is a lot of space inside the excavator. The electronics is two Deltang and one ER100. Shovel and lights are on the same channel now, maybe I will work out some other way for this. The lipo is 180mAh and I hope that is enough. If not, I can easily add one more in parallel.

Ich schreibe Englisch aber ich verstehe Deutsch, so antvorten in Deutsch is OK!

Gruß Janne

Theoretiker Offline

Beiträge: 2.362

23.04.2014 13:56
#2 RE: Liebherr 974 Hochlöffel Antworten

Hallo Janne,

da hast du einen richtigen Giganten auf die Beine gestellt.
Ist ein sehr schönes Modell was man nicht jeden Tag sieht. Die Schaufel ist riesig! :-)
Das Video mit der Mülltone gefällt mir sehr gut.
Hast du als Ketten, Riemen von einem 1:10er Modellauto verwendet? Sieht fast so aus.
Hätte auch nicht gedacht, das man die Getriebemotoren die du für den Antrieb verwendet hast in so ein Fahrwerk rein bekommt.
Super Arbeit!!! Daumen hoch.



Ontiryggen Offline

Beiträge: 42

24.04.2014 00:38
#3 RE: Liebherr 974 Hochlöffel Antworten

Thank you!

The tracks are MXL size Zahnriemen. Not from a model car but the same type of belts.

The motors are really powerful and seams to be bulletproof, compared to 6 mm planetary motors. Unfortunately I think they are to big to fit in a smaller excavator, like the 954.

Gruß Janne


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