Hello friends, I have doubts with the cable I am using for my project. The features are: Diameter: 0.5mm Highest voltage: 50V Maximum current: 0.4A AGW34 My intention is to use it with a battery of 180mAh. It's cable too thin?, finished burning ?.
Thanks for the help and greetings.
-Sorry für mein Ausdruck, ich spreche kein Deutsch-
The cable is for a maximum current of 400mA/0,4A (current of charge or discharge through the wire). This depends on the cross-section of the wire (0,057mm^2). The capacity of the battery is not from interest.
Gruß Sebastian
Hello, thank you very much for the help. I've been researching the subject to get the battery intensity. As an example. The battery gives 4 volts and has a capacity of 70mAh. To convert voltage to watts: W = A x v 70mAh = 0.07A W = 0.07 x 4 W = 0.28 For intensity: Watts / voltios = Intensity 0.28 / 4 = 0.07 Amps In principle the cable supports the battery current. Are these correct formulations ?. A greeting and thanks for the support.
-Sorry für mein Ausdruck, ich spreche kein Deutsch-
Hi. your battery has a 'C' rating, that's the maximum current it will deliver without damage to it. If that rating is 15C for example and your battery has 70mAh capacity, then you can draw 1050mA. 15*70... How much you draw depends on the load you hook up to it, not on the battery (assuming that the battery is strong enough for your load) If your load draws more than 0.4A you need bigger cable, otherwise you are ok. for a load that follows Ohm law: I = U/R You can just supply your load with power and put a multimeter in between to measure the current... mAh and mA are two totally different animals, can't just treat it as the same thing, so your formula is right but it's use is not correct. Georg
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