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Dieses Thema hat 1 Antworten
und wurde 673 mal aufgerufen
Pikey Offline

Beiträge: 2

15.08.2024 14:21
leds-and-more products to UK Antworten

Hi all,

I would really like to buy one of the 4 or 6 channel light control boards from, but they do not deliver to the UK :-(

Is there anywhere else that sells such things?

Thank you,



Topolino Offline

Beiträge: 41

15.08.2024 16:28
#2 RE: leds-and-more products to UK Antworten

problem is that UK isn't EU any more. So exporting to UK means a lot of paperwork. Sending the board simply as a personal gift is only legal person-to-person, no shop involved and customs declaration has to be done.

Just read this:

Which board(s) exactly are you talking about and what quantity? You may answer as a personal private message thru this board.

Regards, Georg


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